Submissions for our Poetry Contest are now closed. Stay tuned for an announcement of our winners!

Contest Details


Submission Guidelines

Guest Judge: Carla Sofia Ferreira

Carla Sofia Ferreira is a Portuguese-American poet and teacher from Newark, New Jersey. Her first full-length collection, A Geography That Does Not Hurt Us, was published by River River Books in 2024. Author of the micro-chap Ironbound Fados (Ghost City Press 2019), her writing can most recently be found in Grist, EcoTheo, Okay Donkey, The Rumpus, and Glamour among others. Currently an MFA student in poetry at Rutgers University-Newark, she has received fellowships from the Sundress Academy for the Arts and DreamYard Rad(ical) Poetry Consortium and her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Carla's work as an English teacher continues to inform and nourish her writing as a practice of community and care.